PHES 2023-2024 School Supply Lists
1 book bag (no wheels)
1 plastic pencil box
2 boxes of tissues
Girls: 1 box snack-size Ziplock bags
Boys: 1 box gallon-size Ziplock bags
2 containers Clorox wipes
1 pair of headphones (no earbuds)
1 pack baby wipes
First Grade
1 book bag (no wheels)
1 blue plastic two-pocket folder (no prongs)
1 pencil box
1 pair of headphones (no earbuds, not wireless)
2 containers Clorox wipes
3 boxes of tissues
2 one-subject spiraled colored composition notebooks (1 red, 1 blue)
Girls: 2 boxes of slide zip sandwich-size baggies
Boys: 2 boxes of slide zip gallon-size baggies
Second Grade
1 book bag (no wheels)
1 pencil box
1 pack of index cards
1 pack of wide rule notebook paper
1 pair of headphones (preferably no earbuds)
2 boxes of tissues
2 containers of Clorox wipes
Girls: 1 box sandwich-size Ziplock bags
Boys: 1 box gallon-size Ziplock bags
2 one-subject notebooks in the following colors: red, blue
2 two-pocket folders in the following colors: red, blue
Third Grade
1 book bag (no wheels)
1 pair of earbuds
1 pencil box
4 one-subject notebooks (red, blue, purple, green)
4 sturdy folders with pockets in bottom halves (red, blue, purple, green)
1 box of tissues
Girls: 1 box quart-size Ziplock bags
Boys: 1 box gallon-size Ziplock bags
1 container of Clorox wipes
Fourth Grade
1 book bag (no wheels)
1 pair earbuds or headphones
4 spiral composition notebooks (red, green, blue, purple)
1 folder with two pockets
1 container Clorox wipes
1 box of tissues
Girls: 1 box quart-size Ziplock bags
Boys: 1 box gallon-size Ziplock bags
Fifth Grade
1 book bag (no wheels)
1 pencil pouch
1 container of Clorox wipes
2 boxes of tissues
4 composition notebooks (1 blue, 1 red, 1 purple, 1 green)
1 package pencil cap erasers
No mechanical lead pencils.
Click here for a printable version of this year's school supply lists.