New Student Enrollment
After completing the Online Pre-registration, please complete the full registration form accessed through Parent Portal using the directions you receive via email. A child is not considered fully enrolled for the school year until the online form has been completed and all required paperwork has been accepted by your child’s school. Complete and accurate information is important to ensure that all information provided for programs such as the P-EBT card is up-to-date.
For Preschool Students (Age 3 or 4 Before September 30):
Completing the online registration form does NOT enroll/register your child for preschool.
Online Pre-Registration should only be completed after you have submitted a preschool application to Clearview Early Learning Center and received an acceptance letter from the preschool center. Preschool applications can be picked up from Clearview Early Learning Center or are available for download from the school website.
Required Information for New Student Enrollment:
In order to enroll a child in a public school system in Virginia, state law requires a parent or guardian of a child to provide certain information to the child’s school division.
Birth Certificate - An official certified copy of the child’s birth record must be provided. (A photocopy of the child’s birth certificate will not meet this requirement.)
At the time of enrollment, the child must be five years of age or reach his/her fifth birthday on or before September 30th of the school year.
Information on obtaining a certified copy of a birth certification is available from the Virginia Department of Health.
If a certified copy of the child’s birth record cannot be obtained, the person enrolling the child must submit a sworn statement setting forth the child’s age and explaining the inability to present a certified copy of the birth record.
Street Address - The parent or legal guardian of each student must present to an administrator or designee two (2) or more verifications as proof of residence in the Martinsville City Public Schools attendance area. The information presented must reflect the 911 physical address and may not be a post office box or rural route number.
School Entrance Health Form - A School Entrance Health Form MCH 213G, completed by a licensed physician, licensed nurse practitioner, or licensed physician’s assistant regarding the child, must be presented at the time of enrollment. The three-part form includes Part 1 - Health Information Form, Part II - Comprehensive Physical Examination Report, and Part III – Certification of Immunization. The report must indicate that the child has received a comprehensive physical examination performed within the twelve months prior to the date the child first enters a public kindergarten or elementary school. The physical examination report must include results of a urinalysis and iron deficiency screening or a hemoglobin or hemocrate.
The School Entrance Health Form MCH 213G is available from the Virginia Department of Health.
The health departments of all of the counties and cities must provide the physical examination for medically indigent children without charge upon request.
A report of a physical examination is not required of any child if it violates the family’s religious beliefs and the child’s parent or guardian states in writing that the child is free from any communicable or contagious disease.
The Certificate of Religious Exemption Form CRE-1 is available from the Virginia Department of Health.
Immunizations Documentation - (Part III of the School Entrance Health Form MCH 213 D) indicating that the child has received the required immunizations must be provided. The required immunizations include:
3 DTP or DtaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertusis) — at least one dose of DTP after 4th birthday unless child received six doses before 4th birthday
3 Polio Vaccine (IPV) — at least one dose after 4th birthday unless child received four doses prior to 4th birthday
3 Hepatitis B Vaccine — doses required for children born on or after January 1, 1994
2 Measles — first dose on or after 12 months of age, second dose prior to entering kindergarten
1 Mumps — on or after 12 months of age
1 Rubella — on or after 12 months of age
1 Varicella — on or after 12 months of age to susceptible children born on or after January 1, 1997
Minimum Immunizations Requirements for Entry Into Child Care and School is available from the Virginia Department of Health.
Any child whose immunizations are incomplete may be admitted conditionally, if the parent or guardian provides documentation at the time of enrollment, that the child has received at least one dose of the required immunizations and has a schedule for completion of the required doses within 90 days.
A certificate of immunization is not required of any child if his/her parent submits a sworn statement to the school, which indicates that having the child immunized conflicts with the family’s religious beliefs, or the school is provided medical certification that one or more of the required immunizations may be harmful to the child’s health.
Expulsion Statement - When a student is registered, the parent must provide a sworn statement about whether or not the child has been expelled. The statement must indicate whether the child has been expelled from attending a private school or another public school in Virginia or a school in another state for an offense involving weapons, alcohol or drugs, or for willful infliction of injury to another person.
Enrollment of Homeless Students - Project HOPE ensures the enrollment, attendance, and the success of homeless children and youth in school through public awareness efforts across the Commonwealth and sub-grants to local school divisions. For more information, contact Felicia Preston, Director of Pupil Personnel, at 276.403.5833.